Kikutani Ultra Light Weight Aluminum 4 Position Footrest GF-7 [GF-7]
By: Trevor HansonDate Added: 10/18/2011
In my earlier review, I said I would follow up if the footrest didn't prove to be sturdy. It didn't. On its second use, the leg broke off the body. It was held on by a dinky rivet that on inspection was obviously not large or strong enough for the application. This footrest is a complete piece of junk, and a waste of $23. If it had a warranty I would return it, but there wasn't one. I am very careful and conservative with all my gear - I wasn't trying to jump on the footrest or use it for anything other than its main purpose. I have never had a footrest break before, including the first cheesy one I bought in 1969, which I still use. So I am surprised to see that another reviewer thought this product was well made. The crappy rivets he complains about are exactly what holds the legs to the base, and that's what failed. I was using the footrest in its lowest position, which might have been a factor in creating torque on the rivet (it might have lasted longer in a more upright position). So to repeat: It totally failed on its second use.