
D'Addario Ukulele Strings EJ53T Pro-Arte Black Nylon, Tenor
  • By: Scott Chamberlain
    As a Luthier with three decades at the bench, I have relied upon D'Addario strings to perform consistently. The intonation is reliable and stable while the durability, the "sonorous life" of these strings is impressive on steel string and electric guitars as well as ukes.
    I use three of the four J54 set on my hand made low G tenor Ukes and substitute the 4th-.032 with the Pro Arte J4504.
    The hybrid set I am describing is my choice as the result of four years of continual research and development of my instruments.
    My low G tenor ukes are my pet project for my Grandchildren.
    The GB "Grand Babies" line of ukes have a nicely balanced woody growl unobtainable with any other set of strings so far!
    If you play low G, give this recipe a try.
    What do you think?
    Coda Guitars
    Somewhere in the world...