Rosette Tremolo Mute Practice Tool


By: Clemente Rivera Date Added: 10/08/2011
Many may be skeptical about spending whatever kind of money for this mute when you can use a cloth or cut up a spare mouse pad to do the same. This mute is very worth it, all strings sound even, no buzzing or that annoying tinny sound and to my surprise you can also get a considerable amount of volume but not enough to defeat the purpose of muting. As for durability, the mute won't rip apart unless you do it on purpose and the pad won't damage your guitar's finish. I use it daily for my morning warm-up at school and when I can't find a place where I can practice freely. I'd say the only reason not to get this is if you plain out just don't need it. Forget the polish cloth and mouse pad and do yourself a favor and try it for yourself.