Fingernail Files and Buffers for Guitarists
(sorted by Name)
Strings By Mail carries a variety of both Nail Files and Nail Buffers to help keep your fingernails in tip top shape for playing classical, flamenco or fingerstyle guitar.
Choose from our very own Strings By Mail Nail Files available in 3.5" and 5.25" sizes. We also offer our own Nail File and Micromesh Buff Kits so you can expertly shape your fingernails to perfection. The Micro-Mesh Quad-Grad Nail Buffer and the Nail Shaper for Guitarists from Oasis are also very popular products.
Our information on each product page will help you choose which of these Files and Nail Buffers are best for you and your fingernails.
Have a question about fingernail files and buffers for guitarists? Call 800-513-8271 to talk with our friendly music, strings, and gear experts or contact them online. They’re available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. EST.