Desrosiers | Variants on a Dutch Folksong for guitar and fluteComposer: Reed Desrosiers circa 1626 Instrumentation:...More Details13382 / PF013
Desrosiers | Variants on a Dutch Folksong for guitar and flute
$22.95 -
Mussorgsky & Grieg | The Old Castle & Anitra's Dance for flute/guitarComposers: Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881) Edvard...More Details13395 / PF012
Mussorgsky & Grieg | The Old Castle & Anitra's Dance for flute/guitar
$18.95 -
Bach | Air and Wachet Auf Ruft Uns die Stimme for flute and guitarComposer: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Edited and...More Details13387 / PF005
Bach | Air and Wachet Auf Ruft Uns die Stimme for flute and guitar
$15.95 -
Hume | Captain's Hume's Lamentations for flute and guitarEdited by Reed Desrosiers Composer: Tobias Hume...More Details14884 / PF-018
Hume | Captain's Hume's Lamentations for flute and guitar
$15.95 -
Jewish Ceremonial Music arr. by Desrosiers for guitar, flute & voiceComposer: Traditional Arrangement by Reed Desrosiers...More Details13392 / PF009
Jewish Ceremonial Music arr. by Desrosiers for guitar, flute & voice
$15.95 -
Schubert, Bach & Gounod | Ave Maria 2 pieces for guitar, flute & voiceComposers: Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Bach/Gounod Edit and...More Details13389 / PF006
Schubert, Bach & Gounod | Ave Maria 2 pieces for guitar, flute & voice
$15.95 -
Faure | Siciliene for flute and guitarfrom Pelleas and Melisande Op. 78 The complete unabridged...More Details13427 / PF015
Faure | Siciliene for flute and guitar
$14.95 -
Mozart/Puccini | Deh vieni and O mio for guitar, flute & voiceComposer: W.A. Mozart (1756-1791) and Giacomo Puccini...More Details13426 / PF014
Mozart/Puccini | Deh vieni and O mio for guitar, flute & voice
$14.95 -
Traditional Irish Music for flute and guitar arr. by Reed DesrosiersComposers: Turlough O'Carolan and Traditional Arrangement...More Details13391 / PF008
Traditional Irish Music for flute and guitar arr. by Reed Desrosiers
$14.95 -
Villanesca and El noi de la Mare, flute/ guitar arr. by R. DesrosiersComposers: Enrique Granados (1867-1916) Miguel...More Details13390 / PF007
Villanesca and El noi de la Mare, flute/ guitar arr. by R. Desrosiers
$14.95 -
A Collection of Hymns arr. by R. Desrosiers for guitar, flute & voiceComposer: Various Edit and Arrangements by Reed Desrosiers...More Details13428 / PF016
A Collection of Hymns arr. by R. Desrosiers for guitar, flute & voice
$12.95 -
Bach & Handel | Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and Air for guitar/ fluteComposers: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) and Georg...More Details13385 / PF003
Bach & Handel | Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and Air for guitar/ flute
$12.95 -
Beethoven & MacDowell | Fur Elise - To a Wild Rose for flute/guitarComposers: Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) Edward...More Details13394 / PF011
Beethoven & MacDowell | Fur Elise - To a Wild Rose for flute/guitar
$12.95 -
Satie | 3 Gymnopedies for flute and guitarComposer: Erik Satie Edit and Arrangement by Reed...More Details13393 / PF010
Satie | 3 Gymnopedies for flute and guitar
$12.95 -
Tarleton's Resurrention and Robin To The Greenwood GoneComposers: John Dowland (1563-1626) and Thomas Robinson...More Details13429 / PF017
Tarleton's Resurrention and Robin To The Greenwood Gone
$12.95 -
Greensleeves Processional, Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee, & Simple GiftsComposers: Anonymus 16th Century, Ludwig von Beethoven...More Details13386 / PF004
Greensleeves Processional, Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee, & Simple Gifts
$9.95 -
Mendelssohn & Wagner | Two Bridal Marches for flute and guitarComposers: Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) and Richard Wagner...More Details13383 / PF001
Mendelssohn & Wagner | Two Bridal Marches for flute and guitar
$9.95 -
Two Wedding Processionals for flute and guitar arr. by Reed DesrosiersComposers: G.F. Handel (1685-1759) and Henry Purcell (ca....More Details13384 / PF002
Two Wedding Processionals for flute and guitar arr. by Reed Desrosiers