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  3. La Bella
  4. Plain Steel Ball End Singles

La Bella Plain Steel Ball End Single Guitar Strings

So you’re one of those. You like – okay, you love – those plain steel strings, but you live to mix and match. So, welcome. Get a .007, a PSO 12, a 22, a 24. Whatever your heart desires and your fingers love to play. These La Bella single strings give you the power to choose which strings you’re most comfortable with and which give you the sound in your head. And who doesn’t like power?

Have a question about La Bella Plain Steel Ball End Strings? Just call 800-513-8271 to talk with our friendly string experts. They’re available Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. You also can email us.

And remember: U.S. orders received weekdays before 3 p.m. EST ship the same day!