Worth Clear Fluorocarbon Ukulele Strings
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Worth Clear Fluorocarbon ukulele strings get rave reviews from Strings By Mail customers. If you haven't tried these great Japanese strings yet, drop what you're doing and order some right now!Worth's clear strings have a clean sound that's brighter and projects more than Worth's Brown Fluorocarbon strings, which sound more mild and mellow.
Worth ukulele strings may look a little pricey, but they're really not because the strings are long enough you can cut them in two, giving you two sets. This works for all standard size ukes.
To meet the needs of different ukulele players, Worth offers a broad range of Clear Fluorocarbon ukulele strings. Here's a quick breakdown of their major lines:
CL: The brightest of all Worth strings, with a light, thin sound.
CM: Worth's standard strings for soprano and concert ukes, for solo and stroke play.
CE: Powerful stroke, with good sustain for the melody line.
CD: A powerful and sharp sound with a hard touch, made from a harder material than the CM line.
CT: Worth's standard strings for tenor ukes, with a sound that goes forward quickly.
CH: A powerful, forceful, and dense sound with a hard touch.
CF: A sound that's soft yet powerful.
Worth also offers Clear Fluorocarbon strings for 6-string, 8-string, and baritone ukuleles and the Herb Ohta Jr. tenor low-G set.
Have a question about Worth Clear Fluorocarbon ukulele strings? Call 800-513-8271 to talk with our friendly music, strings, and gear experts or contact them online. They’re available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. EST.
And remember: On weekdays, international orders received by 7 a.m. EST and U.S. orders received by 3 p.m. EST ship the same day!