New options through Tradition and Innovation

New options through Classic Tradition and Modern Innovation

By John Wunsch


Classical guitar string technology has seen considerable advances over the decades since Albert Augustine introduce the first nylon strings for guitar in 1947. The combination of today’s best technologies, with both modern and traditional string chemistry, gives us as players more options than some may realize.

A perfect example is found in Augustine’s two main classical guitar string lines; their “Classic” line, and their “Regal/Imperial” line. From the days of the Albert Augustine/Andrés Segovia collaboration, which gave us the leap forward from gut to nylon, Augustine has continued to refine their original nylon treble guitar strings by implementing high precision modern extrusion techniques.

These developments have eliminated the irregularities in diameter that were present up until the company changed ownership in 2003. The result has been the elimination of common intonation problems found in many classical guitar strings of similar nylon composition. With the introduction of computer controlled dosing/cooling in the 21st century, they have achieved incredibly consistent production to tolerances of 0.0004 inches. At this point string induced intonation issues are virtually nonexistent.

This means we can now play either the more traditional and darker toned Augustine “Classic” line, or the louder and brighter modern formula of Augustine’s “Imperial/Regal” line. And in both cases, players can experience excellent intonation and a very consistently reliable string. As is always the case, the combination of instrument, player, and strings is a key part of each artist finding their own voice. And as attested to by the different preferences of two highly regarded artists, Gohar Vardanyan and Jorge Caballero, there is more than one path to finding that voice.


“It has been more than 65 years since Augustine pioneered nylon strings, and yet, after all this time, they have no equal. For this reason, I only use Augustine Strings.”

Jorge Caballero


“I have tried many different treble guitar strings on my guitar and I always end up coming back to the Augustine Regal/Imperial treble line. Even when I switched my guitar, I still came back to their warm yet clear tone. No other strings matched the sound and feel I was looking for.”

SBM Sponsored Artist, Gohar Vardanyan


Augustine Classical Guitar Strings

3 thoughts on “New options through Tradition and Innovation

  1. Just curious about exactly what line of Augustine strings Segovia used, especially early on.
    Would it have been the Classic Black?–assuming that string was around in ~1947. Or did he use another string, now discontinued? I am thinking there were far less Augustine “lines” to choose from back
    in the 1940’s and 50’s. It would interesting to know the history of Augustine string offerings.

    1. Hello Mark, Yes, the Classic/Black formula was the original Augustine string set developed by Albert and Rose Augustine in 1946 to Segovia’s specifications, however, Segovia also used Imperial/Red sets in the 1980s after those had been introduced.

  2. Pingback: A Comprehensive Guide to Ball-End Nylon Guitar Strings -

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