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316 results
  • Year1920
    Instrument typeBanjo
    Builder / Manufacturerunbranded
    Instrument ModelTenor
    Top woodGoat Skin
    Side woodNickel Plated Steel
    Back woodNickel Plated Steel
    PlayerBrian Ward
    Custom Customer Concoction | Irish Tenor Banjo, Mandolin tuning
    Custom Customer Concoction | Irish Tenor Banjo, Mandolin tuning Model: C3 BWIrishMandoBanjo Price: $6.62
    Restored Concertone tenor with goat skin head. 17 fret steel string tenor banjo with a scale length of 21", tuned 1 octave down from mandolin (Irish tuning). Strings chosen according to D'Addario String Tension Pro tension calculations. Started with Irish tenor banjo strings changing scale length strings until tensions were all approximately 15 lbs. Mandolin tuning was chosen because I play mandolin and am interested in other voices but don't have time to commit to learning additional tunings.
  • Year1830
    Instrument typeClassical
    Builder / Manufacturerunknown
    Instrument ModelMirecourt
    Top woodSpruce
    Side woodMaple
    Back woodMaple
    PlayerTamara Caulkins
    Strings Comment
    I have paired the Aquila Rayon basses 900 with Bow Brand Pedal Natural Gut strings: No. 6, 9, and 16. These work beautifully together giving me that softness characteristic of Romantic era guitars with enough tension to give the basses clarity and liveliness.
  • Year2019
    Instrument typeElectric
    Builder / ManufacturerWarmoth
    Instrument ModelSweet Pea
    Top woodAsh
    Side woodAsh
    Back woodAsh
    PlayerMike Donnellan
    Strings Comment
    The Pyramid nickel 8s have great tone (much better than expected really), outstanding playability, stay in tune once settled in, and bend like madness when needed. Love the round core. They take a lighter touch as might be expected. Why are you working so hard?
  • Year1997
    Instrument typeElectric Bass
    Builder / ManufacturerWashburn
    Instrument ModelXB-600
    Top woodMaple
    Side woodAlder
    Back woodAlder
    PlayerLawrence L
    Strings Comment
    Mellows the active pickups' brightness; less floppy Low-B; adds more slide.
  • Year2009
    Instrument typeAcoustic
    Builder / ManufacturerWechter
    Instrument ModelPathmaker Elite
    Top woodSpruce
    Side woodMahogany
    Back woodMahogany
    PlayerBen Richey
    Strings Comment
    Over the years, I keep experimenting with lighter and lighter gauges. Started out with 12-52 many years ago, then 11-48, then various custom 10-46 sets. This combination is the ultimate solo set. Plays very fast, with easy vibrato, and can even go for 2 step bends! Those with a heavy hand probably won't like this tension. Those with a light touch, be ready to play for hours upon hours without strain.
  • Year2009
    Instrument typeAcoustic
    Builder / ManufacturerWechter
    Instrument ModelPathmaker Elite
    Top woodSpruce
    Side woodMahogany
    Back woodMahogany
    PlayerBen Richey
    Strings Comment
    Smooth to the touch for both left and right hand. Fun to play because they are elastic and play like an electric. Amazing unique chime like tone when amplified.
  • Year1996
    Instrument typeClassical
    Builder / ManufacturerWilliam Gilbert
    Instrument ModelNo. 176
    Top woodCedar
    Side woodRosewood
    Back woodRosewood
    PlayerAngelo L. Favis
    Strings Comment
    They sound great and balanced, appropriate tension, and last for three weeks of heavy playing.
  • Year2017
    Instrument typeClassical
    Builder / ManufacturerWood Ring Guitars
    Instrument Model#29n double top
    Top woodSpruce/Cedar
    Side woodBlackwood
    Back woodBlackwood
    PlayerAaron Ringo
    Strings Comment
    Very even/nice intonation settles very quick. Bass strings less scratchy than others. Booming sounds! My favorite to show guitars with. Works well with either my spruce guitars or cedars.
  • Year1999
    Instrument typeClassical
    Builder / ManufacturerWoodley White
    Instrument ModelHauser style
    Top woodSpruce
    Side woodRosewood
    Back woodRosewood
    PlayerRussell Engebretson
    Strings Comment
    I've always loved the Savarez bass sound. The Cristal trebles are fairly bright and well-balanced with the Savarez bass strings.
  • Year1969
    Instrument typeClassical
    Builder / ManufacturerYairi Gakki Ltd. (Sadao Yairi)
    Instrument ModelClase 700
    Top woodRosewood
    Side woodRosewood
    Back woodRosewood
    PlayerDustin Laurence
    Strings Comment
    These are the only strings that I've tried that give a nice open-G sound