Noad | Guitar for Beginners Series 1 exercise CD

Noad | Guitar for Beginners Series 1 exercise CD

Model: D- 7892 / FN47
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Includes all exercises and performance pieces from Guitar For Beginners.

Is suitable for all persons studying all Guitar for Beginners courses on CD or DVD.

Performed by Frederick Noad

CD contains

a) Exercises 1 thru 44
b) Traditional Malaguena
c) Exercises 45 thru 47
d) Study in A minor

Also the following performance pieces

1. Minuet from Samson..............................................G.F. Handel
2. Se Io M'Accorgo....................................................Anon. Italian
3. Pavane, The Earl of Salisbury.............................William Byrd
4. Sarabande in D minor..........................................Robert de Visee
5. Minuet in D...........................................................Robert de Visee
6. Sarabande in B minor...........................................J. S. Bach
7. Allegro in A...........................................................D. Scarlatti
8. Minuet in D...........................................................Fernando Sor
9. Study in B Minor..................................................Fernando Sor
10. Mazurka in G......................................................Francisco Tarrega
11. Adelita, Mazurka.................................................Francisco Tarrega

It is also possible to purchase the lessons in groups or complete set:
Complete Set - Lessons 1-24

Series 1 - Lessons 01-12

Series 2 - Lessons 13-24

or in groups of four lessons, see below for their links.
Lessons 1-4

Lessons 05-08

Lessons 09-12

Lessons 13-16

Lessons 17-20

Lessons 21-24

Now available, for the first time on CD, Guitar for Beginners Series 1 & 2 exercise and performance piece collection.
Guitar for Beginners Series 1 Audio CD

Guitar for Beginners Series 2 Audio CD


  • Model: D- 7892 / FN47
  • Manufactured by: D and H
  • Condition: New

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