Aquila 15B Historical Banjo 5 strings - Gut and Silk, Full Set

Aquila 15B Historical Banjo 5 strings - Gut and Silk, Full Set

Model: 15B UPC: 8052405538444
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Historical set: this is the exact reconstruction of the set-up described by S.S. Stewart in his “Observations on the Banjo and Banjo Playing” published in 1892, and it consists of gut strings with a fourth wound string on real silk core.

Made with real gut strings and a silver-plated copper 4th wound string on a real white silk core.

String diameters, converted to mm, are as follows:
D: .48 mm;
B: .58 mm;
G: .73 mm;
C: .62 mm W (silver-plated copper wound on silk);
G: .48 mm.

Suggested reference pitch: 435 Hz (frequency adopted at the Congress of Vienna in 1885; in 1939, with the Congress of London, it was raised to 440 Hz).


  • Model: 15B
  • Manufactured by: Aquila
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 8052405538444
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