Avid - Pro Tools Update Renewal Retail - Download

Avid - Pro Tools Update Renewal Retail - Download

Model: 9938-30003-00 -SWD

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Note: Per manufacturers request, this product is offered at the advertised price of $199.00
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Pro Tools Update Renewal Retail

Pro Tools Software

Power your sound with the tools that power the industry. Create music or sound for film/TV and connect with a premier network of artists, producers, and mixers around the world.

  • Find the right loops and sounds fast—just added
  • Position clips more precisely with clip transparency
  • Save time with batch fades

Avid Pro Tools requires no introduction. Known to both professionals and amateurs alike as the premier, industry standard DAW software, Avid Pro Tools has maintained its position at the top of the recording industry for over two decades. The most powerful digital audio workstation just got more powerful. Pro Tools redefines professional music and audio production for today’s workflows. From all-new audio and video engines and turbocharged 64-bit performance, to expanded metering and new HD video workflows, Pro Tools enables you to take on the most demanding sessions and maximize your creativity—without holding anything back

With Pro Tools, you get access to more frequent feature releases—including upcoming Avid Cloud Collaboration and the Avid Marketplace—plus flexible licensing options, so you can access the industry standard in more affordable ways than ever. Create with a low-cost subscription. Own the software or a complete system outright.


  • Model: 9938-30003-00 -SWD
  • Manufactured by: Avid
  • Condition: New
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