Complete Book of Harmony, Theory & Voicing

Complete Book of Harmony, Theory & Voicing

Model: 6783 / MB95112 UPC: 9781562229948 ISBN: 9781562229948
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by Bret Willmott

This is a very comprehensive text that combines theory, harmony and voicing material with emphasis placed on voice leading. Although this book's primary focus is on four-note chord voicings on the middle strings of the guitar, much of the knowledge conveyed here can be appreciated and used by all jazz musicians, not only guitarists. Topics covered include: Tensions, Voice Leading Chord Scales, Enharmonic Chordal Substitutions, Fourth Voicings, Chromatic Guide Lines, Triad Over Bass Voicings, and much more! The best part of this book, however, is the unique and practical way the author takes modern harmonic concepts and shows you how to apply them in real music situations! Written for the intermediate to advanced music theory enthusiast who wishes to master this facet of music.

Publisher: Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published: 2/11/1994


  • Model: 6783 / MB95112
  • Manufactured by: Mel Bay
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 9781562229948
  • ISBN: 9781562229948

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