Custom Customer Concoction | Guitarra Baiana L (Electric Mandolin)

Custom Customer Concoction | Guitarra Baiana L (Electric Mandolin)

Model: C3 GBL
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Guitarra Baiana Light Tension Custom Set:

1st E: D'Addario PL008 Plain Steel
2nd A: D'Addario PL012 Plain Steel
3rd D: D'Addario NW018 Nickel Wound
4th G: D'Addario NW028 Nickel Wound
5th C: D'Addario NW042 Nickel Wound

Guitar they are they played on:
Guitarra Baiana - Light Tension
(called Electric Mandolin by English country language)
- mahogany, cedar or "louro-canela" for body
- mahogany, cedar, hard maple and/or "marfim" for neck
- rosewood, maple and purpleheart for fingerboard

Creator: Yuri Barreto

Creator Description (English translation):
I have a theoretical study of string tension, tested by great musicians. All of them very much like the strings with these tensions and scale length of 340mm - 360mm. These strings, in the mandolin intonation, make the sound great! It is a hybrid between guitar and mandolin, given totally to Brazilian musicality.

If you would like your own custom set, please see the heading of each category for details.


  • Model: C3 GBL
  • Manufactured by: Strings By Mail C3
  • Condition: New
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