Dalle Ave | Lakes Road for solo guitar
Dalle Ave | Lakes Road for solo guitar

Dalle Ave | Lakes Road for solo guitar

Model: DZ 4313 UPC: 9782898522307 ISBN: 9782898522307
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Composer: Michel Dalle Ave
Model: DZ 4313
Instrumentation: Solo Guitar
Level: Intermediate
4 pages
Publisher: d'Oz Productions

“Lakes Road” is a piece for solo guitar.

Composed in a style very popular with many guitarists of the 70s: Finger-picking. This is distinguished by an often joyful melody built on alternating bass, thus creating a sustained and dynamic rhythm.

This composition is in line with this style, reminiscent of Ragtime, a musical genre originating from Louisiana originally written for piano.


  • Model: DZ 4313
  • Manufactured by: d'Oz/Doberman
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 9782898522307
  • ISBN: 9782898522307
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