de Grassi | St. James Infirmary for solo guitar | PDF Download

de Grassi | St. James Infirmary for solo guitar | PDF Download

Model: StJI - DL
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St. James Infirmary - Sheet Music PDF Download

by Alex de Grassi

Born in Japan, raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Alex ditched the trumpet for guitar at the age of 13 and immersed himself in American and British folk and blues traditions and later studied jazz and classical guitar. He has since emerged as a widely acclaimed innovator and virtuoso of acoustic guitar, fusing a variety of traditions into a highly orchestrated sound.

Notation and tablature as recorded for the album "Now and Then: Folk Songs from the 21st Century"

Also see Alex's CD "Now and Then" which includes this piece.


  • Model: StJI - DL
  • Manufactured by: Tropo Records
  • Condition: New
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  7. de Grassi | St. James Infirmary for solo guitar | PDF Download