Duncan | A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Composite Book and CD

Duncan | A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Composite Book and CD

Model: 5533 / HL00695119 ISBN: 9780793570782
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Composite Book and CD Pack
Series: Guitar
Author: Charles Duncan

Has both solo and duets. This multi-volume method (Books 1, 2 & 3) was developed to allow students to study the art of classical guitar within a new, more con-temporary framework. For private, class or self-instruction. Book One features an all-new format that incorporates chord frames and symbols, as well as a record to assist in tuning and to provide accompaniments for at-home practice. Book One also introduces beginning fingerboard technique and music theory. Book Two and Three build upon the techniques learned in Book One.


  • Model: 5533 / HL00695119
  • Manufactured by: Hal Leonard
  • Condition: New
  • ISBN: 9780793570782

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