Eichelmann | Finger Works for guitar

Eichelmann | Finger Works for guitar

Model: 22940 / AMI Book 2010-22 UPC: 8853839000305 ISBN: 8853839000305
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Finger Works - Your key to developing a complete guitar technique.
For beginner, intermediate and professional guitarists
Sheet Music Book: 24 pages, tablature

1 Repeated Notes
2 Scales
3 Elasticity
4 Arpeggios
5 Slurs
6 Voicing
7 Position Changes
8 Chord Strokes
9 Interval Scales
10 Tremolo
11 Bars

FINGER WORKS is a minimal and transparent yet comprehensive compilation of all possible finger movements possible on the classical guitar. With strong focus on such topics as rhythm and voicing, this method aims to help develop a musical rather than an abstract mechanical guitar technique.


  • Model: 22940 / AMI Book 2010-22
  • Manufactured by: Eichelmann, Hucky
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 8853839000305
  • ISBN: 8853839000305
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