Granados | Spanish Dance No. 11 for solo guitar | PDF Download

Granados | Spanish Dance No. 11 for solo guitar | PDF Download

Model: JG 2-132 - DL
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in guitar transcription
originally for piano
Composer: Enrique Granados
Arranged for guitar by Jay Gordon
Published by Little Boat Music
7 pages
includes performance notes

Spanish Dance No. 11 is usually set as a duet when guitars are involved for good reason. It was a bit of a challenge to create a satisfying solo guitar version. It does have several technical difficulties for the guitarist to overcome such as the extensive use of artificial harmonics in the middle section. It is a very rewarding piece to play once the extended techniques have been mastered.

Jay Gordon
Excelsior, Minnesota


  • Model: JG 2-132 - DL
  • Manufactured by: Gordon, Jay
  • Condition: New
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