Gwin | Cheddarville Waltz for Hammered Dulcimer

Gwin | Cheddarville Waltz for Hammered Dulcimer

Model: D- 21201 | Cheddarville Dulc
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"Cheddarville Waltz"
Composed for Hammered Dulcimer by Holly Gwin

Holly Gwin composed Cheddarville Waltz for hammered dulcimer. She studied dulcimer with Maggie Sansone and Karen Ashbrook, and composes and arranges music in her studio near Annapolis, Maryland. She formerly worked as general counsel for the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The musette de cour, or court musette, was a small bagpipe-like instrument used in the baroque period. Pieces of music written for it were often called musettes. Holly Gwin has taken two musettes written by Esprit Philippe Chédeville and arranged them as one lovely piece for hammered dulcimer.


  • Model: D- 21201 | Cheddarville Dulc
  • Manufactured by: Chandler, William
  • Condition: New
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