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316 results
Year 2017 Instrument type Electric Builder / Manufacturer Carvin Instrument Model TL60 Top wood Walnut Side wood Walnut Back wood Walnut Player Jade Hamblyn StringsThis is a progressive tension set for jazz / fusion electric. As no two strings can be exactly the same tension, the tension increases slightly from higher to lower strings. (Pickups = Neck S, Middle S, Bridge H) -
Year 2015 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Chris Conery Instrument Model Custom Top wood Spruce Side wood Rosewood Back wood Rosewood Player Chris Conery StringsConery Guitars: Full rich bass. Bright trebles esp #3 (not the usual tubby nylon sound) -
Year 1988 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Christian Rapp Instrument Model Concert 19 frets Top wood Spruce Side wood Rosewood Back wood Rosewood Player Christian StringsClassical Guitars built with German Spruce often take a long time to open up and develop tonal power, clearly slower than Cedar tops. I use these strings to compensate and obtain a powerful and clear tonal range. -
Year 2008 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Christopher Carrington Instrument Model #247 Top wood Spruce Side wood Rosewood Back wood Rosewood Player Christopher Pike StringsMore expressive Composite basses -
Year 2004 Instrument type Acoustic Builder / Manufacturer Collins Instrument Model D1A-SB Top wood Spruce Side wood Mahogany Back wood Mahogany Player JS Long StringsBest sounding string on a bright guitar. Less bright than the 80/20 EXP. Also great on my friend's D2HT. Consistent sound and long lasting. -
Year 1920 Instrument type Banjo Builder / Manufacturer Concertone Instrument Model Tenor Top wood Goat Skin Side wood Nickel Plated Steel Back wood Nickel Plated Steel Player Brian Ward StringsCustom Customer Concoction | Nylon String Tenor Banjo, Mandolin tuning Model: C3 BWMandoBanjo Price: $9.26Restored Concertone tenor with goat skin head. 17 fret nylon string with a scale length of 20.75", tuned 1 octave down from mandolin. Strings chosen according to D'Addario String Tension Pro tension calculations. Started with baritone ukulele strings changing scale length, tuning and strings until tensions were all approximately 10 lbs. Mandolin tuning was chosen because I play mandolin and am interested in other voices but don't have time to commit to learning additional tunings. -
Year 1996 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Conde Hermanos Instrument Model A-261996 Top wood Spruce Side wood Cypress Back wood Cypress Player Hossein Beyzavi StringsLuthier Concert Silver Set 30 MHT Classical Guitar Strings, Full Set Model: Set 30 | 3801617 Price: $11.49Quick response, nice and crispy dry flamenco sound. Works well for me. -
Year 1992 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Contreras Instrument Model Double Top Top wood Cedar Side wood Rosewood Back wood Rosewood Player Irene Gomez StringsI do enjoy very much playing on my receptive Contreras Guitar with the vibrant though well calibrated for my hands, Alliance Savarez 540R. These two are a great match for me to enjoy music and feel secure when I am going on stage. -
Year 2012 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Cordoba Instrument Model C5CE Top wood Cedar Side wood Mahogany Back wood Mahogany Player Jeff Main StringsClear, smooth bass; warm trebles; for older jazz standards/light classical. -
Year 2012 Instrument type Classical Builder / Manufacturer Cordoba Instrument Model C10 Top wood Cedar Side wood Rosewood Back wood Rosewood Player Carl T. Geenen StringsSounds wonderful with cedar, and easy to play.