OLD Philippe Bosset 2843 Oud Arabic tuning 11 strings

OLD Philippe Bosset 2843 Oud Arabic tuning 11 strings

Model: OLD OUD2843 UPC: 3700381105710
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Philippe Bosset 2843 Oud Arabic tuning 11 strings

Wound strings: Silver plated copper winding. They are also protected by a special anti-sulfur coating which triples the lifespan of the strings and efficiently prevents any premature “deadening” of the tone.
Plain strings: High technology Clear Nylon mono-filament.
String Note Gauge Tension
1 C .028 3.7kg
2 F .031 4kg
3 A .024w 3.8kg
4 D .029w 4.1kg
5 G .032w 3.6kg
6 C .043w 3.8kg

Made in France


  • Model: OLD OUD2843
  • Manufactured by: Philippe Bosset
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 3700381105710

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