Sychra | Grand Fantasia on motives for solo guitar

Sychra | Grand Fantasia on motives for solo guitar

Model: 11484 / 494-02882 ISBN: 9790600041718
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For The Russian Seven-String Guitar In Open G tuning: D’, G’, B, d, g, b. d

Instrumentation: Guitar
Publisher: EDITIONS ORPHEE (#PWYS-103)

Editor Matanya Ophee presents the first publication outside of Russia of Sychra's most impressive work. A major force behind the guitar culture of 19th century Russia, Syrchra produced a good number of arrangements from operas, a common practice of the times, but his Grand Fantasia rises above the rest as "a truly idiomatic virtuoso masterpiece." (Ophee) This is a critical edition with full background and notes. For advanced performers.


  • Model: 11484 / 494-02882
  • Manufactured by: Theodore-Presser
  • Condition: New
  • ISBN: 9790600041718

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