Santos | 16 Modern Studies for Flamenco Guitar, Book and online audio

Santos | 16 Modern Studies for Flamenco Guitar, Book and online audio

Model: 27635 / MB31033M UPC: 9781513470351 ISBN: 978-15134-7035-1
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16 Modern Studies for Flamenco Guitar (Book + Online Audio/Video)
by Yago Santos

Intended as a sequel to 20 Flamenco Guitar Etudes, the longer, more developed exercises in 16 Studies for Flamenco Guitar further explore characteristic flamenco guitar techniques including: picado, arpeggio, tremolo, horquilla, the “chop,” ligado, and the thumb/index alzapua among others. These intermediate-level studies are written in standard notation and guitar tablature with online audio and video included for ease of learning.

The pieces are designed and fingered pragmatically to enhance the student’s overall understanding of flamenco technique and encourage the use of a broader range of studies in daily practice. Left and right-hand digitation is provided throughout, along with occasional circled string numbers which clarify passages intended to be played higher on the fretboard, or on certain strings for a specific musical effect.

This book is unique not only for its inclusion of the author’s stellar online audio and video recordings, but also for insightful practice tips that vary according to the player’s years of experience and level of development. If you’re thinking “WOW!”— that is the appropriate response; this is flamenco instruction at its best.

Includes access to online audio and video.

About the Audio and Video
Pulgar Study I
Picado Study I
Horquilla Study1
Picado Study II
Chromatic Study I
Chromatic Study II
Picado Study III
Speed Study
Arpegio Study I
Double Arpegio Study
Pulgar-Indice Study
Tremolo Study I
Tremolo Study II
Alzapua Study I
Alzapua-Ligado Study
Ligado Study I
About the Author


  • Model: 27635 / MB31033M
  • Manufactured by: Mel Bay
  • Condition: New
  • UPC: 9781513470351
  • ISBN: 978-15134-7035-1

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