Review by Gerard F. on 10 Jun 2018 review stating strings it's always a pleasure to work with strings by mail.
it would be nice to get delivery of strings a little quicker without raising the prices.
as far as reviewing strings. I am a poor choice to ask. I don't know much.
only what I like. hearing, tastes change. I now think that using the same
strings on all my guitars may not be a great idea. is each guitar different? probably. I am always looking for the best sound. a lot of very good players don't care about strings, they just play. very good players sound great no matter what they play.
I have a couple of fine guitars were hand made. I think that they are really half there. big name cdheap sounds. one has a lush sound, great sustain, but has sort of a hollow
sound and poor note separation. but that's me listening. some pro player might say that it's great. cant find any vibrato on that thing and it was expensive. I think that on a fine guitar things like vibrato on all notes should be built in along with effortless barres and light easy playing even on tough sections like barre chords with- arpeggios on top of that. . the other guitar is very bright and sharp notes- pretty hard sounding actually. it's a 640. but the high E above about 8th fret goes dull and is plink plunk.. I noticed as how on all my guitars that the B string sounds great all the way up and down but the high E gets plunky. makes me think that builders don't want to or don't know how, to put great sounds
into the E string. maybe I am spoiled, but when I had the chance to play a Santos-Hernandez from the twenties, it was heaven. could hardly feel myself pressing strings or doing barres came out beautifully. rich beautiful voice all strings and all positions.
I feel that when I play the 2 "luthier built" ones that I am mostly in combat to push the strings down sometimes. especially doing barres or doing arpeggios where holding down over 4-5 frets and 3-4 strings. I spend more time fighting the guitar and not thinking about what I am trying to play. after a little while I am tired.
some of these builders I don't think care what they put out.
strings cant fix all that up. one production guitar I have, a Cordoba C7 seems easier to play and has a very nice sound but just one sound and
expressions are hard to do.
dropping strings from high tension to standard did not make anything lighter to play and the sounds went dull and lower volume.
I guess I will stay with Savarez Cantiga basses. it might be that Augustine basses or something might be better on one guitar or the other but I cant try them all. the knobloch Active CS
trebles are rich and warm but it may be that Savarez Alliance trebs will
have to go on guitars that need some punch.
keep up the good work.
gerard Field
On Knobloch Actives CX 2nd B High Tension, single string