Palmer | The Virtuoso Guitarist, Vol. 1; A New Approach to Fast Scales

Palmer | The Virtuoso Guitarist, Vol. 1; A New Approach to Fast Scales

Model: 6784 / virtuosobkvol1 ISBN: 9780615474656
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By Matt Palmer *** Sponsored Artist of Strings By Mail ***

An in-depth guide to Matt Palmer’s groundbreaking approach to playing fast scales on the guitar. This proven, effective A-M-I scale method is specifically designed for speed and efficiency. Includes textual guidelines, figures, exercises, and examples from the standard repertoire. Standard notation. Intermediate/Advanced levels.

"Matt Palmer is one of the most impressive guitar players I've come across. He has developed a very personal right hand guitar technique using a combination of three fingers for four-note patterns. This technique has been worked by other guitarists in the past but Matt Palmer has taken this possibility to an ultimate level and the result is pure music."

- Sergio Assad, Grammy-award winning composer


  • Model: 6784 / virtuosobkvol1
  • Manufactured by: Palmer, M.
  • Condition: New
  • ISBN: 9780615474656

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